LGU Jagna shall ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among our residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of all Jagnaanons.

Jagna is a prime faith agri-eco cultural tourism destination with self-sufficient and resilient people living in a healthy, peaceful, environment friendly and progressive community.

In order to realize our vision and fulfill our aspirations, we therefore commit ourselves:

  • Institutionalization of good governance by transforming the local government unit into one that is committed to uphold, promote and protect the interest, rights and welfare of its people;
  • Preservation of our rich cultural heritage and the foundational values by embodying, respecting and espousing the traditions, practices and beliefs that characterized Jagna’s history, and built its present;
  • Promotion of Jagna as a municipality conducive to initiatives for economic development, tourism promotion and environmental protection;
  • Achieve food sufficiency through modern and sustainable agriculture and fisheries development, promotion and marketing of local products by strong partnerships and linkages.


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Responsible for introducing economic growth and development and shall secure continuous progresses in terms of Jagna‘s economy.

Focuses on the enhancement of the infrastructure development of Jagna by ensuring efficient and transparent management of resources for the convenience of all Jagnaanons.

Takes charge in properly collecting the finances to support the programs of the municipality and ensures transparency between the local government and the Jagnaanons.

Ensures that the processes of LGU-Jagna are properly aligned with its mission in providing quality service to everyone.